Week 4: Medicine + Technology + Art

It has always been clear to me that medicine and technology are two fields that are very correlated in modern developments; however, I was unaware of the ways in which these are also intertwined with art. I thought it was interesting in lecture to see how the artists’ knowledge of the human body is so important to their work. The ability to accurately portray the human body in art is based on a deep understanding of the way it is made up and all of its intricate parts, which is where medicine and technology come into play. By being able to see the biological makeup of the human body, the artist can skillfully display its features and proportions correctly. As science and technology developed in correlation, the artists’ abilities to perfect the portrayals of the human body advanced as well. 
From http://virgilwong.com/art/

I really liked the way that the lectures and resources pointed out the ways in which medical technology is turned into an art through its performance in various examples. The first example that came to mind for me was the TV show Grey’s Anatomy. I am currently watching this series and realized how relevant it is to this topic because it turns the fields of medicine and technology into an art form through acting it out and making it into an entire production. Although it isn't to the extreme of artist Orlan’s live surgical performances, as discussed in lecture, it is an informative representation of the ways in which these fields come together to create something that engages people. Each episode uses knowledge of the human body and the technology of modern medicine to create a drama in which these worlds collide, especially through recreations of surgical procedures. As a result, we can see culture and society’s perceptions of medicine, technology and art through a performative scope.
From http://www.hercampus.com/school/ufl/fitness-finesse-official-grey-s-anatomy-workout-game
From https://itallbelongstoyou.com/2013/05/21/87/


Bodies© INCorporated. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. <http://www.bodiesinc.ucla.edu/>.
"Corporeal Garden." Virgil Wong. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. <http://virgilwong.com/art/>.
Culturebase.net. "A unique online source on contemporary international artists." Zoran Todorovic artist portrait. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. <http://www.culturebase.net/artist.php?188>.
KAC. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. <http://www.ekac.org/>.
Wellness |, Melissa Malamut | Boston. "The Science Behind Grey's Anatomy." Boston Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. <http://www.bostonmagazine.com/health/blog/2013/10/03/science-behind-greys-anatomy/>.


  1. You brought up a great example of medicine as seen in the arts, specifically drama series. This really shows that art isn't just limited to paintings and sculptures as people traditionally think, but a great deal of it includes performing arts. Did you find all the scientific information in Grey's Anatomy to be factually correct? I think in today's age when people rely on technology to absorb new information, it is important that these TV shows present accurate information and a proper view people should have towards the field medicine. Otherwise, the bias in the TV show used to intentionally create drama may actually be misleading to many people, especially the younger ones in our society.

  2. I like that you mentioned the TV series you are watching and explained how they are related with this week's topic. Acting and drama productions are definitely forms of art. Through dramas and films like these, we can see how MedTech has influenced our lives so deeply. Just a little suggestion: maybe you can make the fonts larger next time?

  3. I think it's really creative of you to bring up the connection between medical technology and art made by the TV show, this indeed is a great combination since it informs people about medicine and technology in the form of art. It's recreations like this that make different fields, either art or science, not seem so discrepant today as they once were. In this way people today really benefit from it by having much better understanding of how art, science and technology come together.


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