
Showing posts from April, 2017

Week 4: Medicine + Technology + Art

It has always been clear to me that medicine and technology are two fields that are very correlated in modern developments; however, I was unaware of the ways in which these are also intertwined with art. I thought it was interesting in lecture to see how the artists’ knowledge of the human body is so important to their work. The ability to accurately portray the human body in art is based on a deep understanding of the way it is made up and all of its intricate parts, which is where medicine and technology come into play. By being able to see the biological makeup of the human body, the artist can skillfully display its features and proportions correctly. As science and technology developed in correlation, the artists’ abilities to perfect the portrayals of the human body advanced as well.  From I really liked the way that the lectures and resources pointed out the ways in which medical technology is turned into an art through its performance in v

Week 3: Robotics + Art

 The lectures from this week have really opened my eyes to the ways that technology and art influence one another. I had noticed that technology influenced art in the way that the methods of creating art have changed with developments in cameras, computers and other tools that influence creativity. However, I had not realized that art influenced technology as well, exemplified by Gordan Pask's musical cybernetics system, the music color machine, as discussed in lecture as the first cybernetic art system. This was one of the early cyborg hybrids that accompanied the musical performers to add color and lights that matched the harmony, which was was one of the first major connections between cybernetics and art in history. Cybernetic Music from      However, in pop culture and films, I've noticed that this advanced technology involving robots and artificial intelligen

Week 2 : Math + Art

Before watching this weeks lectures, I had actually never considered the fact that math is such an integral part of art, especially in architecture. Throughout history, artists and mathematicians have constantly learned from each other in order to improve their own theories and creations. There are so many measurements and mathematical procedures, such as the golden ratio, to create proportions and dimensions for each piece of art that take into consideration the way that viewers see the objects as well, with the vanishing point theory.  From the links on the website, the one that caught my attention was “The Mathematical Art of M.C. Escher” because I remember seeing so many pieces of his artwork hung in my math classrooms all throughout middle and high school. I remember how intriguing they were, but it had never occurred to me that they had anything to do with math. Escher used basic patterns of simple polygons to create tessellations, “applying what is called reflections, glide

Week 1: Two Cultures

In terms of C.P. Snow’s theories about two cultures, the separation between literary intellectuals and natural sciences, I can see how vastly different these fields are; however, it seems that contemporary culture is beginning to merge these two together. In our community at UCLA, the divide between art and science is apparent, especially through the geographical separation of these departments on campus (as discussed in lecture). Although physically separated, the increased use of technology in our lives has begun to bring these two fields of study together, and an example of this that I have noticed is in fashion design. In the past, the entire industry has been based on the artistic abilities of the designer to draw different styles, patterns, and clothing, but now it has incorporated the science of technology and turned into a completely different process. Fashion is now based on a person’s capability to use computer softwares to create designs. Many computers allow the a